Sunday, May 3, 2009

Overall concept: “You, Him, Me and Her

all concept: “You, Him, Me and Her”

This set of work was created in 2008 which is my last academic year in university. Then, I usually had opinions regarding thoughts and techniques to create a work different from those of my teacher. That gave me a question: Why are we different? When I looked back, I started to realize that the reason why we are different is we have different past and present, meaning every perception and surrounding has been different. So I wanted to create a space where my past and present can be exchanged with those of other people.

Title: You, Him, Me and Her(Past)

Dimension: 200 x 200 x 150 cm.

Technique: Wood, zinc, stereo set, free
comic books, pillows, a linoleum, a cabinet, a light bulb

Title: You, Him, Me and Her(Present)

Dimension: 2.00 x 2.00 x 2.00 m.

Technique: Mosquito net cloth, rain screen cloth, a carpet, appliances and utensils I bought from the camp site

You, Him, Me and Her(Past) 2008

Concept: “You, Him, Me and Her(Past)”

This work tells the story of my past and some of my past strangeness in which I used to love making a house under the stairs. That house is the place where I used to read comic books, listen to some music, eat and sleep. I spent so much time in it that it sometimes seemed like the actual house looked like a big society.
In this work, there is a room under the stairs where anyone can go and sit, relax, listen to some music and read free comic books. In those comics, there are stories from my past and some blank pages for spectators to record their own stories.

You, Him, Me and Her(Past) 2008

You, Him, Me and Her(Past) 2008