This set of work was created in 2008 which is my last academic year in university. Then, I usually had opinions regarding thoughts and techniques to create a work different from those of my teacher. That gave me a question: Why are we different? When I looked back, I started to realize that the reason why we are different is we have different past and present, meaning every perception and surrounding has been different. So I wanted to create a space where my past and present can be exchanged with those of other people.
Title: You, Him, Me and Her(Past)
Dimension: 200 x 200 x 150 cm.
Technique: Wood, zinc, stereo set, free
comic books, pillows, a linoleum, a cabinet, a light bulb

Title: You, Him, Me and Her(Present)
Dimension: 2.00 x 2.00 x 2.00 m.
Technique: Mosquito net cloth, rain screen cloth, a carpet, appliances and utensils I bought from the camp site