: Comic book
: Dimension variable
When we are not familiar with language literacy, the reality of ‘image’ seems to have most interaction with us such as the vision of the surrounding or the reaction. The reality mostly appears to us within visual ability. However, when we are familiar with language literacy, the truth are more reliable as we consider it with logic, theory, interpretation, comparison and question. These tools help us realize the reality better than visual ability. They are part of decision making and unintentionally relate to our opinions such as thinking process, selection, belief and love. We rely on them. Somehow I think reading, seeing, listening through media can change our attitude in terms of getting the truth. I would say in the first state that reality is defined by appearance but when I listen to the experience of people around me with reversion of the media I look at it differently.
Accordingly, it’s us who decide to look at things. We are the controller of reading, writing, listening and seeing. We can revert and add on anything as we desire by using knowledge from media including something that we believe in and composing them to be the new reality. Then, the image that we have seen, the language that we have learned can be the base for creating the new truth. “Drift” was published to show all the new reality.
關於聯展「This is not a fairy tale」中的作品- Drift
「我們出版了一本漫畫(上圖二),但是只有圖畫和空白的對話框。在我們不熟悉其語言之時,影像便扮演著重要的角色,反過來看,若是我們熟悉的語言,理智上和邏輯上便會下意識的接收語言帶來的訊息,而非影像。影像加上語言的輔助更是容易影響到人們的決定和思維方式,讓我們決定去相信什麼,去愛或憎恨事物。尤其在透過各種媒體的傳達,透過閱讀、聆聽和觀看,更是容易改變我們對於事實(truth)的看法…但最終,確還是只有我們自己本身,才可以決定該怎麼檢視這些事物。我們可以回憶過去的經歷,拼湊上新的知識,經過思考然後結合成一個新的解釋,一個只屬於自身的新的事實(new reality)。而我希望Drift這個作品,也能吸引出每個人心中的那一個新的解釋,新的事實。」
Thank Chiawen Lin
Pisitakun Kuantalaeng
Comic Book Free
Drawing on paper
: Comic book
: Dimension variable

Cover Comic Book

Comic book